Obtaining Turkish Citizenshipby Investment Process
1) The customer completes the payment.
2) If the title deed is ready, we contact the project and request them to send the necessary documents to the project and make a sales application.
3) After the application, the appointment date arrives on average within 3-4 days.
4) On the appointment day, we go to the title deed offi ce with the necessary documents, complete the sales process, and also put a non-sale clause for 3 years. Putting a non-sale clause for 3 years means that we have applied for conformity.
What is a Conformity Certifi cate?
The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, dependent on the Istanbul 2nd Regional Directorate, decides whether the investment made by the client to buy real estate over 400,000 USD is suitable for citizenship application. If the investment is suitable, a suitability certifi cate is issued, and we can continue the citizenship process.
What is Checked in the Conformity Certifi cate?
They mainly look at 3 things;
1. Title Deed (If there is no Title Deed, Preliminary Contract for Sale)
2. Appraisal Report
3. Receipt and DAB (Document on Foreign Currency Sale)
What Do They Look for in the Title Deed?
1. The owner of the property must be Turkish.
2. One of the previous owners of the property may be foreign, but if they are of the same nationality, it is not acceptable.
3. If the property has been used for citizenship before, it is not acceptable.
4. If there is a lien, mortgage, etc., on the Title Deed, the value of the mortgage is reduced, and evaluation is made on the remaining amount.
5. The value stated in the Title Deed (or in the contract) must be more than 400,000 USD (since the sale will be made directly based on this value, we need to pay attention to the value in the DAB document.)
What Do They Look for in the Appraisal Report?
1. The value of the property must be a minimum of 400,000 USD.
2. If another report has been made within the last 6 months, the diff erence between the reports should not exceed 20% in TL.
3. In addition to these, some technical details are also examined, if there is a problem related to these, we are notifi ed of the defi ciency, and we request the correction of the defi ciency report in accordance with the written instructions.
What Do They Look for in the Receipt and DAB?
The DAB document includes the name, surname, passport or tax number, nationality of the customer, the amount converted, and which apartment the money transfer is made for. In the receipt, sender, recipient, amount, and explanation sections must be complete, and there must be the wet stamp and signature of the bank on the receipt. In cases where there is no explanation on the receipt, we can request a SWIFT with a stamped and signed bank.
5) After making the conformity application, it takes about 2 months for the conformity to come in Istanbul currently. When we did it in Bodrum, we were able to get conformity in about 2-3 weeks.
6) After conformity comes, we make the investor’s residence permit application. We can do this application within 2 days after the document arrives. Currently, the residence permit is approved within 6 weeks after the application is made. Even if the residence permit is approved, residence cards may not be printed or may be printed and sent late. We need the approval of the residence permit, not the residence card, to continue our process.
7) After the residence permit is approved, we can apply for citizenship. Currently, citizenship applications take between 4-5 months. The status of the application can be tracked online with the application number.
So, if we say the total process is about 3 weeks for the title deed, 6 weeks for conformity, 6 weeks for the residence permit, and 4-5 months for citizenship, it takes approximately 8 months.
In this case, since there is no title deed, the transaction is carried out with a promise of sale made at the notary.
In order to sign the Preliminary Contract for Sale;
1. The transfer of money will be completed
2. The sales price will be over 400,000 USD
3. In the contract, it should be written that the buyer can unilaterally encumber the title deed for 3 years for the purpose of putting a non-sale clause for citizenship.
How Does the Process Work?
1. Money transfer
2. The contract is signed at the notary with the seller
3. It takes about 2 weeks after the payment is completed to make an appointment with the notary, to obtain the original contract from the notary, and to obtain the DAB and receipt from the project.
4. When the above documents reach us, we apply to the title deed offi ce to encumber this contract we signed.
5. About 1 week after our title deed application, we are given an appointment. On the appointment day, we encumber the contract to the title deed, and at the same time, we put a non-sale clause for 3 years and make a conformity application.
6. The process after this proceeds in the same way as the process with the title deed.
Documents Required for Title Deed:
1. Real estate purchase power of attorney
2. Passport translation
3. Tax identifi cation number
4. Identity declaration form (We fi ll it out.)
5. DAB document (How to get: It is possible to get the DAB document from the customer’s account and send TL directly to the seller; it is also possible to send USD to the seller and the seller to obtain the DAB document from their own bank. But in any case, it is compulsory to have a DAB document for sales to foreigners.)
6. Money transfer receipt (if there will be citizenship)
Documents Required for VAT Exemption:
1. Power of attorney
2. Passport translation
3. Tax identifi cation number
4. Apostilled address registration certifi cate showing residency abroad
5. Entry-Exit Record Certifi cate to be obtained from the police directorates
Documents Required for 31J Residence Permit:
1. Conformity certifi cate
2. Power of attorney
3. Passport translation
4. Birth certifi cate (can be a photocopy)
5. Biometric photograph
6. Tax payment receipts (us)
7. Health insurance (us)
8. Apostilled marriage certifi cate if the investor’s spouse is applying (same as for citizenship)
9. Apostilled birth certifi cate if the investor’s child is applying (same as for citizenship)
If everything is normal:
1. Birth certifi cate
2. Marriage certifi cate
3. Passport photocopies
4. Photos of the parents
If everything is normal but one of the spouses is not applying:
In addition to the above documents;
Deed of consent from the non-applying spouse (for each child)
Common child outside of marriage:
Parents are married, but their children were born before they got married. In this case, additional documents to the above documents;
1. A document stating that the mother was single from one year before the child was born until the child was born (if there are multiple children, the same applies to each child)
2. Deed of consent from the father
Child from another person:
Anna and Aleksander are married and will apply. Anna’s child Igor’s father is another person, in this case, the necessary documents from the child’s father;
1. If the child was born within the marriage union, marriage certifi cate, divorce certifi cate, and right of custody
2. If the child was not born within the marriage union, the mother’s non-marriage certifi cate from those dates and the father’s paternity recognition certifi cate
3. Father’s deed of consent
If a divorced individual is applying alone:
Only the divorce certifi cate is required; there is no need for a single status certifi cate.
If the person is unmarried:
A single status certifi cate is required (must be obtained within the last 6 months, they do not accept those older than 5 months).
If a divorced individual is applying along with their children:
1. Marriage certifi cate
2. Divorce certifi cate
3. Right of custody (for each child)
4. Deed of consent (for each child)
How to Apostille:
1. They can obtain it from a notary in Russia and send it. (The document itself can be a photocopy, but the apostille must have a wet stamp regardless.)
2.If the document is obtained from a consulate in a third country, for example, from the Russian Consulate in Dubai, we need 3 approvals for it to be usable in Turkey: 1.Approval from the Russian Consulate in the UAE 2.Approval from the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs of the UAE 3.Approval from the Turkish Consulate in the UAE.
3. If they obtain the document from the Russian Consulate in Turkey, the document must have the wet stamp and signature of the Russian Consulate on it. Afterwards, we can take this document and get an apostille at the governorship.